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The Tutor Guide
Everything you need to know about being a tutor on Spires
Welcome to Spires
Guidance for tutors
How To Use The Tutor Guide
Getting Help from the Spires Team
Email Deliverability Issues 📥
Lessonspace: Annotation on Screen sharing
Lessonspace: Cobrowser
The Student Guide - Answers to questions from students
Lessonspace Audio/Video issues
Cheating, Plagiarism and Unethical Jobs
The classroom is not opening
A student missed a class
Missing classes as a tutor
Cancelling or rescheduling a class
What does "enable low risk permission" mean?
Cybersecurity: Tips to keep your accounts safe
How do I offer a free meeting?
Collecting reviews from Students
What is an Offline Class?
How does the Spires calendar work?
How can I add classes to my own calendar?
How Lessonspace works
How to find your past classes and recordings
Can I charge more than the agreed upon time?
Spires' terms for cancelling classes
⌛ Late to Class
How different currencies are handled on Spires
Refer Students to Spires and earn up to £100
How to add your bank account
Failed payments
How do I refund the student?
Why haven't I been paid yet?
Stripe/Bank Transfer issues
Charging for cancellations
Incorrect Charge Logged
A list of Countries where Stripe is used to pay tutors