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Guidance for tutors

The following guidance represents the rules that we expect all tutors to adhere to

Shahid Lakha avatar
Written by Shahid Lakha
Updated over 2 months ago

Only the best and most experienced tutors are eligible to join our network, and we expect professionalism and honesty from them at all times. The rules below are intended to ensure that our platform is viable for everyone.

  1. Self-employment: As we don’t typically employ tutors, you will need to make sure that you are eligible to be self-employed in your country of residence, before you apply for an account with us. Unfortunately we won’t be able to permit any tutor to use our platform who, due to visa restrictions or for other reasons, is not eligible for self-employment.

  2. Responsibility: As a self-employed tutor, you are fully responsible for the conduct, content and delivery of the tuition services you provide to your clients, and you are not subject to any right of supervision, direction or control, either by us or the student.

  3. Professionalism: We believe in tuition as a career, and we want to work with tutors who take their profession seriously. We’re very proud of the high standards set by our network, and we trust every new tutor to uphold them.

    The core values of professional tuition are: Punctuality and reliability in arranging classes; prompt, clear and courteous communication; and careful preparation for sessions. These will help you maintain the best relationship with your clients, and with our team.

    Where these standards aren’t upheld, we won’t hesitate to act: for example where classes are missed frequently or without prior communication; emails or messages are disregarded; staff or clients are not treated with respect; or where we receive complaints about poor quality tutoring, tutors should expect a formal review of their accounts, which may lead to suspension of their user licence.

  4. Building Relationships: We exist to facilitate long-term, mutually beneficial tuition relationships, and we believe that one of the best measures of the value students place on their tuition is how long it lasts. Very short jobs don’t allow a tutor to make a meaningful difference and, sadly, they tend to indicate that the student has not felt engaged. Where jobs are consistently or frequently shorter than expected this may indicate that the tutor is not right for our platform, and we may decide to remove them to make way for more long-term tuition.

  5. Ethics: We expect all tutors to abide by The Tutor’s Association code of practice at all times.

    In particular, we will not permit any activity which constitutes academic misconduct. This includes completing work for students, or helping with exams or assignments which they are expected to complete themselves, but also anything which could be considered constitute excessive involvement in a student’s work. We must rely to some extent on tutors’ professional judgement, but we will also apply our own judgement to any reported instance of misconduct. Any tutor believed to have engaged in such conduct will have their account suspended immediately.

    We also expect all tutors to familiarise themselves with Part 4., Ch.1 of the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, under which it is an offence to complete all or part of an assignment for a student, or to supply them with material which could be submitted as part of an assignment.

  6. Confidentiality: We remind you that, as a condition of your tutor licence, we expect you to keep confidential any information that is disclosed to you by our clients.

  7. Private Arrangements: Our work is based on mutual trust and respect. We are always willing to discuss issues like billing and platform fees, if you have any concerns. In return, we ask you not to make private arrangements for billing or payment with clients introduced to you through our platform. This may break our contractual relationship with that client, violating our code of conduct and infringing on the rights of the company. Where we believe that such arrangements have been made we will terminate the tutor’s licence. All activity and communications are recorded centrally on our platform, and any attempts to make a private arrangement will trigger a review.

  8. Exchanging contact details: Our platform is designed to offer safeguarding and privacy for both tutors and students. It has everything built in for communications; including free international phone calls, messages and emails, file sharing and video calls. Tutors are expected to make use of these functions only to communicate with students, and sharing external contact details is not permitted. We understand that circumstances may arise where there is a legitimate need to contact a client urgently (tech failures, emergencies etc) but in this case just contact us via the blue button and we will help.

  9. Safety: We want everyone who uses our platform to feel safe and comfortable. In particular, we’re committed to safeguarding the welfare of minors and vulnerable adults. If you have any concerns for the wellbeing of a child or anyone else, please don’t hesitate to make us aware via our Safeguarding Reporting Form. By the same token, if we have any reason to believe that a tutor poses any risk to other users of our platform, or that they are not suitable to provide teaching or pastoral care, their access to the platform will be restricted or removed. More information on our safeguarding policies is available here.

We reserve the right to terminate your tutor licence for violating the code of conduct or any of the points above.

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