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Cybersecurity: Tips to keep your accounts safe
Cybersecurity: Tips to keep your accounts safe

Simple and easy tips to keep you safe online

Shahid Lakha avatar
Written by Shahid Lakha
Updated over 11 months ago

Top Cybersecurity tips to keep your Tutor accounts safe

Many people are unaware of basic mistakes they make which expose them to risks online. While this article is written for our tutors, it can help anyone stay safe online.

1. Use a strong password

A password should:

  • Have a sufficient length(at least 16 letters/numbers).

  • Contain a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols (if allowed).

  • Be random! - Pick three words and combine them, or use a password generator like this one.

A password should not:

  • Be the same for every login you have or even multiple logins.

  • Consist of something obvious like your first name, or the town/city you live in.

  • Be stored in a document on your computer or on paper! This is what password managers are for.

2. Keep all software and apps up to date

Software updates often fix gaps in security for devices and apps. Your web browser, laptop, phone and even smart watch all get regular updates (as long as they are not too old).

It is especially important to keep your Antivirus and Operating system up to date. You are usually prompted by your device when it is time to update these.

3. Secure your devices

Aside from updating the software on every device - Phone, Computer, Tablet, Laptop, TV, Smart watch even your fridge! - you should make sure you have antivirus on the relevant devices where possible.

Devices like routers (your device at home responsible for providing your Wi-Fi) should be restarted frequently, ideally every day. This forces your router to update its software, it also resets the route and can help prevent unauthorised access to your network. There is more detail in the article here.

You can also investigate a VPN which can be used to hide and change your IP address frequently. There are many affordable services which can be researched online.

Use two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) or two-step verification is when you have to input a code after a password. These are typically emailed or sent via SMS to you. Many banks have this and force users to use this. Many companies enforce this as a policy for their staff.

Enable two-factor authentication on everything possible, starting with your email address. For most people, their email (Google or Apple) is linked to all the apps they depend on. It should be the first thing you take steps to secure.

How to enable 2FA for:

If there is anything you use, including social media, or other apps, you should turn on 2FA for that. If you do not know how or are unsure whether this exists for that app, just search in Google for "How to enable 2FA for X" and replace X with what you are looking for.

Password managers

A password manager can help you manage and keep track of all your logins and the corresponding passwords.

There are lots of options available on the internet but the two most common options will be Apple and Google as they come built in to your email address:

These are just some of the things you can do to keep your private information safe. The same tips apply to the Spires website as well any other website you may visit.

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