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Scheduling Classes

How to schedule and manage classes on Spires

Shahid Lakha avatar
Written by Shahid Lakha
Updated over a week ago

You can schedule classes with any tutor you are communicating with. Watch the video and read the article below to find out more:

Either you can accept a class offer or you can request a class from a tutor.

There are three types of 'class' on Spires:

1) Online classes

2) Offline / Prep classes

3) Free meetings

Online classes and free meetings take place on through our classroom.

Offline / Prep Classes allow tutors to charge for preparation work they do.

Typically, using the messenger or phone system, you will agree on a time with a tutor and they will offer you a class. Once you accept it, the class is confirmed and will start on Lessonspace at the scheduled time. You simply come to Spires and click 'Open Classroom' at the scheduled time. Payment is taken by the tutor after the class has finished.

Accepting a class offer

When you are offered a class by a tutor, you will see an orange banner on every tab of Spires stating the proposed date, time and length of the class. You will be prompted to accept, decline or reschedule the class.

You will also receive an email with this information.

Clicking 'Accept' will open the confirm class popup, and if you haven't already done so prompt you to 'Add a Card'.

*** You must add a card to confirm any type of class booking on Spires ***

Alternatively, Clicking 'Decline' will let the tutor know you do not wish to accept the class offer. You can also suggest to the tutor to reschedule the class. Once confirmed, classes can only be cancelled or rescheduled more than 24 hours notice. More information on cancelling/rescheduling here.

Once you have confirmed a class, see the next section of this guide on Having Classes on Spires.

Requesting a class

Open the messages with the tutor you want to request a class from.

On the right hand side (scroll down on mobile) you will see a 'Classes' area and a green 'Request Class' button.

Clicking the button allows you to request either an 'Online' or 'Offline / Prep' class from the tutor,

Online Classes

To request an 'Online Class' you must specify the class date, start time, class length.

Clicking on any of these values will provide a drop down menu where you can change them.

You can also include a written description of the topic that you would like the tutor to cover.

You can also see what date and time the requested class will be for the tutor if they are in a different timezone from you.

Once you submit the request using the green 'Request Class' button, the tutor will be asked to confirm it. Once they have, you will be notified that the class is confirmed.

Payment for Online Class is made after the class. The tutor will confirm the length of a successful class and this will automatically debit your payment card. More on how payments work on Spires here.

Offline Classes

An Offline / Prep class is used when a tutor needs to do some work outside of our online classroom, such as reading, marking or other preparation for an online class together.

Accepting an Offline Class request it is similar to accepting an Online Class except that there is no start date and time, just a length of time that you will be charged for.

To send an offline class request, simply click on the 'Request Class' button and then click on the button which says 'Offline / Prep'.

You can specify the length of time needed in terms of hours and minutes, and add a note of the topic or what is being requested from the tutor.

Payment for offline class is immediate, as soon as the class is confirmed.

More information can be found in the offline classes article.

Free Meetings

Some tutors like to offer a 'Free Meeting' before they commit to taking on new students as an opportunity to meet you, understand your needs and requirements, set expectations and formalise details such as pricing, class timings, availability etc.

Free meetings can only be offered by the tutor, not requested by you. They are offered at the tutor's discretion and are not compulsory. More in our article here.

Accepting free meetings works in the same way as online classes above. You must add a card to confirm free meetings on Spires, even though it is free tutors can charge you for missing them. More on why here.

Managing your classes

Classes can also be managed from the Classes tab.

Classes are broken down in 'Unconfirmed', 'Confirmed' and 'Failed'.

Grey Unconfirmed classes are waiting for the tutor to accept a class requested by you.

Orange Unconfirmed classes require you to accepting a class offer, or give a previously completed class a rating.

Green Confirmed classes have been successfully scheduled. The class will start at the scheduled class start time by clicking 'Open Classroom' below the navigation bar.

Confirmed classes can be cancelled or rescheduled as long as you give more than 24 hours notice. More information on cancelling/rescheduling here.

Red Failed classes happen when a class request/offer was declined or expires, or you missed a scheduled class.

Missed classes may be charged for by the tutor. More on missing classes here.

Requested and confirmed classes are also displayed in the messenger in the 'Classes' section under the green 'Request Class' button.

See the next section on Having Classes on Spires.

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