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How much does the tutor charge?

An hourly rate, there are no other fees

Shahid Lakha avatar
Written by Shahid Lakha
Updated over 4 years ago

As Spires is a platform with only professional tutors, they set their own rates which will vary depending on their background, experience, subject area, availability and difficulty of the work.

Price are quoted and displayed per hour, and so the final price of a class will depend on the class length, e.g. if a tutor charges £40 ($55) per hour, the class length is 1.5 hours, the final charge would be £60 ($82)

Prices are typically £30 - £50 per hour ($40 - $70 USD) but can be considerably more.

*** There are no registration fees and the prices you see are fully inclusive of tax and our platform fees ***

There are two ways to check hourly prices:

On the requests tab If you have posted a request and tutors have bid:

Or in the messenger if you have already started having classes and closed your original request.

Open the messages between you and the tutor, click on the "i" button:

Which will display the job information, including the price per hour of the tutor.

More on how payments work in the guide here.

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